And drilled for screws with countersinking:
And close up showing the screw holes. Screwed into the gunwale stinger through the deck and also into the under deck supports.
Below is the same side screwed, epoxied and clamped in place.
And the starboard side.
With the deck in place I put in the seat supports each side, below is starboard but you get the idea. Extra strength and something to screw the seat back/combings into:
Back to the decks I sanded all the edges where the side decks met the hull, and rounded off the transom joins all around it. Below shows the aft port quarter. Transom on the right, hull forward and quarter deck on top all rounded off ready for tape.
And the starboard side, happy with how all the joins finished up.
Once all the joins were rounded, I cut 200mm wide tape to cover all the joins. Below shows the stb side looking aft
The port side looking forward:
And starboard:
Once the epoxy had set I trimmed the excess and gave it a light sand to get rid of high spots. Then cut glass mat to cover both side decks, quarter deck and the transom (in two pieces). Below is the starboard side deck piece with the quarter deck piece on top.
Then I had a fibre glassing burst doing all them in one go. Wasn't as bad as I thought, and allowed me to go back and give them extra coats of epoxy when partially set. Below is the final result looking aft on the port side showing the side and quarter decks. Excess trimmed off again and light sand of the sharp or high bits.
And a bad shot looking across the transom:
Now I am starting on the seat back/combings. This is looking at the port side pre-trimmed for height, still thinking of the final dimensions but tomorrow should set it out.
Onwards to combings!
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